Sunday, February 25, 2007
Stupid mistake
I did a really stupid mistake. I didn't check my enrolment advice and I ended up being worried about it. I'm gonna start my class tomorrow and I just realised that there's something wrong with my enrolment advice. Damn stupid!!!
There are supposed to be 6 units enrolled in my first semester but there are only 4 units. Semester 2 also got problem. I'm super pissed off with myself for not checking my enrolment advice with my other friends. I'm so angry with myself now. I even cried for such a small problem. That's what all my friends said to me. I think that it's quite a big problem because there's no record of some of my units enrolled in my Oasis and I can't access to my lecture and tutorial notes in my WebCT. I wasn't lucky after all. I thought I was quite lucky to be here because I got prizes from two lucky draws. Wrong thought...
One funny thing is I got my name listed for all the classes. WEIRD!!! What's the problem then?? haih~ super frustrated!!!!!! I'm just too weak to face this kind of problem. Just being over worried. So, I'll just need to go to School of Pharmacy and settle it tomorrow morning. Better settle it as soon as possible. Don' t want to handle this kind of problem anymore.
Lucky to have a friend like Yi Tyeng to send me a song called 打起精神来 by Cyndi Wang. The title really suits my situation now but not the lyrics. Haha!!! Anyway, thanks for the effort to send it to me. Thanks to Siaw Tze who's willing to accompany to settle my problem tomorrow. That's what friends are for. Friends in need are friends indeed. =)
Mamak Nite
It' s a bit boring because we got nothing to do there except to walk around and buy some stuff to eat. Some food is quite expensive and little in amount. However, we still need to eat right? So, I spent about AUD5.50 for my dinner. At least, I got the chance to try different kinds of food sold during mamak night.
There's a band playing when we were buying our food. I did sit on the floor and enjoyed it before I went out for some fresh air. It's super hot in the building. Oh ya. I thought that mamak nite is supposed to be held outdoor but it's actually indoor. That's why it's freaking hot.
Overall, it's still acceptable. I met Amanda there. So lucky. Haha!! It has been quite a long time since the last time I saw her. Think it's during the JPA briefing in Putrajaya. Started to miss my old friends from INTEC now.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
lucky me
So I went to ask Michelle and YES they're there on her table. Phew~ Those are the tickets I got from lucky draw. Quite lucky recently. Hehe!! That day got some stationeries when we went for dinner during first day of CNY. Actually, when they said that they were going to give out the last prize, I was like giving up already. Then, my number was been called out. I was so excited. Haha!! I even shouted "YEA!!!!" in front of them. Haha!! To be honest, the chance to win a prize is quite high since they were only a few of us. Most of us got a prize.
Usually, back in my hometown, I never win any lucky draw. Quite fortunate here. Haha!! All I can say is we have to depend on luck too but only sometimes.
Friday, February 23, 2007
After the orientation, I went to Michelle's birthday celebration at Happy Meals (a chinese restaurant not McDonald). The dishes are quite nice. And the restaurant is full of people when we got there. We had to share chairs as we only booked a table. As usual, we sang a birthday song and ate cake. We got back to our house at about 10 something. Quite tired but have to meet up with Yijia to discuss about our plan the next day.
Then, I went to Yi Tyeng's room since Yijia was there watching Heroes. We discussed about the printer that they bought and talked about other stuff too. Cheah Yen sang a song to me and I was shocked when she said that Siaw Tze taught her to sing it. So, I called up Siaw Tze and chatted with her for a few minutes. After that, I asked Cheah Yen to explain the lyrics to me since she said that the lyrics are meaningful and she sang it so happily. Haha!! Went back our room at about 12am.
We went to Curtin this morning and I became very frustrated. They said taht we need to get a pair of goggles to use in the laboratory. Since I'm wearing spectacles, I'll have to wear contact lenses or get a specially made goggles with my power. The contact lenses and goggles here will cost about AUD165 and AUD195. It has to depend on one's power. That price is only for Yi Tyeng's power and hers is obviously less than mine which means I'll have to pay more. Yee Fang said that she may be wearing contact lenses. Yi Tyeng stated that the specially made goggles are ugly. Look nerdy in it. Haha!!! I haven't seen one yet. so, I have no idea about it. Luckily, Yi Tyeng told me that according to Kai Ting, if you are wearing a pair of spectacles already, you don't have to get a pair of goggles anymore. That's for her batch. Don't know if this still applies now. PLEASE SAY YES!!!! I don't want to get an ugly pair of goggles. I don't dare to wear contact lenses already. It's a bit freaky to me now after what happened to me last time.
The weather today is extremely HOT. This is what we called SUMMER!!!!! I felt as if I was in an oven when I was on my back in the bus. The weather is freaking HOT. I just can't stand it. I really hope that summer will go away soon. I'm getting darker already. And I don't want to be darker again. =(
annoying timetable
Still, I'm frustrated with that new timetable of mine. Should I come back to my housing to sleep a while or stay in the library as it is air-conditioned??? I've got quite a hectic timetable. Making me feel like going home and stop studying. I haven't even start a class and I'm complaining now. Is this an attitude of a student of pharmacy??? Definitely a BIG NO!!!!!! Just hope that I'll be fine with it and I'll try to adapt myself to the new lifestyle. HECTIC LIFE IS GONNA BEGIN VERY SOON!!!!!!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
17th February 2007
I woke up extremely early on this day as I need to get to Curtin and join the tour to some of Perth's main attractions. Our first stop was Margaret River Chocolate Factory, followed by Sandalford Winery and Caversham Wildlife Park. We were given free chocolates in the chocolate factory and gosh it's so yummy!!! We also had the chance to taste 8 different kinds of wine in the winery. Yeappie!! My cheek was warm after i tried all the wine. Hehe!! Michelle's face went so red after we left the winery. So cute... However, I don't really like the taste of wine. Perhaps it's because that was my first time drinking wine. But I'm ok with the soft sweet wine. I'm not into alcohol actually. Just being curious and since it's free. Haha!! Malaysians like free stuff!!! Yea!! In the wildlife park, we took pictures with the kangaroos, koalas, and wombat (super duper heavy). We also had the chance to feed the kangaroos. Really enjoyed ourselves there. We were like super excited when we saw the kangaroos, koalas, peacock and emu. We also had ample time to buy some souvenirs from the shop in the park.
Our next stop was Aquarium of Western Australia (AQWA) at Hillary's Boat Harbour. We saw a great variety of aquatic creatures. Amazing!! We took many pictures in the AQWA too. However, it's quite smelly inside. Haha!! We had our lunch there and bought some souvenirs.
It's Chinese New Year Eve and we actually forgot to buy some stuff to cook. Should eat something more "chinese" rather than western. So, we just cooked whatever we had in our fridge. Hehe!! Basically, just those chicken, soup, vege, omelette, potatoes etc. I asked Kho and Mei Yun to join our dinner since they got nothing to do too. So, they brought instant pasta which really taste good. All in all, the dinner was nice. Haha!! I'm satisfied with it because I was extremely full although I ate less than Siaw Tze. Don't know why she likes rice so much. Good for her.
Jia Huei planned to make a cake so she needed our help but me and Michelle only helped her to stirring. Haha!! Easy job!! But actually we need to take turn because it's a bit tiring. Haha!! I wonder how her cake will look like. I went to Yijia's, Yee Fang's, Jia Huei's and Siaw Tze's room to chit chat. I went to Siaw Tze's room and kept on disturbing her chatting her darling. So sorry ya. Hope you won't mind. Hehe!! Went to Yijia's room to use her internet for a few minutes. Went to Yee Fang's room to look at her pictures. So, I spent time in their rooms until it was midnight. Then, I walked back to my room with Michelle. On our way back, Jia Huei's neighbour was like asking us if we want to join their party but we ignored him because we didn't know that he was talking to us. Maybe he thought that we are rude or something. Haha!! Anyway, I usually won't reply them. Sorry for being rude but I just don't know them.
Friday, February 16, 2007
16th February 2007
The seminar that I attended this morning with my friends was quite boring. Almost fell asleep but i didn't. Well, got to know more about my new housemates from China. We chatted a lot with Michelle Tan, our RA. I was so curious that I asked her about the cases that had happened before in my housing area. Just being curious though I'm scared too. Haha!!
Kai Ting invited us to her friend's house for a gathering. It's actually called a cell group. I really enjoyed my Friday night there. Had a lot of fun. Got to know many new friends from different countries. For example, Hong Kong and Singapore. Most of us are from Malaysia. We started to introduce ourselves initially. That's what we usually do. Ice breaking time. Then, we started to play numerous games. After we had enough time for our games, we spent time on a great variety of food. We had Japanese food, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, french fries, fried chickens from KFC, cheesecake made by Kai Ting (yummy n sweeeeet) and lots more. Gosh~ I really enjoyed myself tonight. Thanks to Kai Ting for the invitation.
Just want to keep it short and simple as I'm feeling a bit tired now though I'm still very excited. Haha!! Never thought that this kind of gathering is so enjoyable. Laughed a lot today!!! YEah!! Good for health!! Cheers!!!
Oh ya!! I was labelled as perempuan ganas today by Yijia and Yi Tyeng. So sad. However, I wouldn't mind as I had a lot of fun playing with them tonight. Hehe!! i'll remind myself not to be a perempuan ganas anymore. Try my best........
15th February 2007
I'm suffering diarrhoea now. Don't know what happened to my tummy. All I know is I had stomachache and went to toilet for a few times in a day. I consider as a suffering. Another suffering is that I spent a lot of money today. Bought groceries with Michelle. We bought a new donno if i should call it a pot or pan, anyway our small old wok was scratched so we had to buy a new one. The old one only costed us about AUD$10. That's what you get when you buy cheap stuff. haha!!
I met some new friends to day in the double decker (my very first time in a double decker) when I was on the way back to my house. You can really meet different people from different countries in an orientation. So, guys, don't ever miss it!!! This is the only chance to expand your circle of friends internationally.
Today the dishes that we cooked were not that delicious anymore. I don't know why but just tasted weird. Not as nice as the first time we cooked. That's why I didn't left some for Siaw Tze to try although we couldn't finish them. Haha!! We'll try our best to cook better dishes next time. Till then.....Chao~ have to wake up early tomorrow as the orientation programme will start at 9am. Means that I have to set my alarm at 7.30am because I'll definitely sleep back after turning my alarm off. Hehe!! That's ME!!!
Yea.. my friend is coming tomorrow and I can get my stuff from him soon. Cant wait for my stuff anymore. Hehe!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
14th February 2007 (LOVE IS IN THE AIR)
It's Valentine's Day but it's just a normal day for me. No special dinner, cards, sms, gifts or whatsoever. Just spent my time with my friends. Chatted with my bro this morning. He helped me out with my blogspot as there's something wrong with my friends' links. I'm glad that everything is settled already. Thanks bro!!
Yee Fang enjoyed the day very much (I think). Only a few of us will understand why. Jia Huei talked about her brother. Super touching.
I just smsed my friend, Kho to ask if he could help me to bring some stuff from Miri to Perth since he's coming to Curtin this Friday. I was so happy when he agreed to offer a helping hand. I miss my stuff in Miri so much. I miss my home, my family, my friends, my teddy bears, my pillow, my bed, my clothes.. The list goes on and on. Felt like going home and do nothing except online and watching tv. haha!! Goyang kaki. That's what Malaysians always say.
Then, I called my mom to tell her the list of things that I need her to pass to my friend. I asked if she had received the stuff that my bro sent to our house. She told me that my bro had sent a T shirt with Mickey printed on it, a pair of SpongeBob socks, a Winnie the Pooh cap, and chocolate powder (or something like that) from her girlfriend. All the stuff are from Disneyland. I used the telephone booth nearby my house. It was quite dark and scary outside there. Yijia suddenly appeared and we went to Yi Tyeng's room (as usual) to watch Gong after my call. We watch 2 episodes every night.
When we were on our way back to our own houses, we saw a guy in front of us. He looked like an intoxicated guy from the back. We were like sensing something wrong. So, we ran. All the way back to Yi Tyeng's room. In the end, we found out that guy was a friend of Yi Tyeng's housemate. So embarrassing. Then, we walked back again to our houses. And this time we saw that guy talking to another person opposite my house. Phew~ Luckily he's a nice guy. It was really scary when we first saw his back. This is because he really looked as if he's drunk and he couldn't walk stably. But prevention is always better than cure. Right??
Monday, February 12, 2007
11th February 2007
It’s my first Sunday in Perth. Quite boring in the morning. Most of my friends went to church. I woke up at about 1030am as I slept at about 4am. I felt so cold while I was chatting with my friends. I changed my shorts to a longer and thicker pair of pants before I slept. I even wore socks before I hopped on to my bed. However, my blanket wasn’t thick enough. So, I still felt cold.
I went to Yi Tyeng’s room again to watch ‘Gong’ but Yijia was still feeling lazy so I watched ‘Guess Guess Guess’ while waiting for her. My dinner tonight was not so good. Think I eat carrots everyday. Haha!! I bought lots of carrots. We cooked cabbage with carrots and chicken today.
After dinner, Jia Huei and her housemates (Siaw Tze, Yee Fang and Yijia) came to my house and asked us out for a walk. We then went to the common room and played table tennis. We also watched Princess Diaries 2 but we didn’t manage to watch until the end.
I came back to my house and realized that there’s a new tenant. Our RA, Michelle Tan. She’s very friendly and nice. Hope we’ll get along very well in the next few months.
10th February 2007
I woke up late today. Promised to meet with the others at 10 am at Jia Huei’s house but I ended up waking up at 9.50 am. Luckily, Michelle knocked my door. If not, I don’t think I’ll wake up. Haha!! The weather is just too nice for me to sleep. I don’t know when my hand reached for my mobile phone to turn off my alarm (though I set two alarms). Still, we went to Perth city. Thanks to the others for waiting.
When we reached the city, it was about lunch time. So, we had our lunch first before starting our shopping. I shared my lunch with Siaw Tze. We paid $8.50 for it. Ops! I haven’t pay Siaw Tze for it yet. Hehe!!
After lunch, we walked around the city, got into shops that sell clothes and accessories. We went to a shop which sells spices, pasta, corn, chocolates, nougats, cashew nuts, almonds, tea, etc. The shop’s name is Kakulas Bros.
I bought a black shirt for AUD$9.95. It’s cheap if we don’t convert it to RM. Actually, I wanted to buy a shirt from Cotton On but they don’t have my size. I wanted M but there’s only L left. I like the shirt very much. It will cost me AUD$12.50. Quite sad when I left the shop.
Our last stop was all $2 shop. All items sold in the shop were at the price of $2. I bought laundry basket, lunch box, bangles and hair bands.
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We went back to our houses and cooked our dinner. I cooked one soup and two dishes today. Haha!! Quite a lot!! It’s like cooked for 4 people. Let’s see what did I cook today.

Vegetables (not much of taste.. will try harder next time)
Soup (ingredients: corn, mushrooms, eggs, carrots, onions, a little bit of chicken)
Chicken breast with carrots
(we marinade it first, so it tasted great..)
After my dinner, I went to Jia Huei’s room with Michelle to check out what they cooked for dinner. Haha!! Then, Siaw Tze, Michelle, Yee Fang and I walked around our hostel and it was really cold!!! I then went to Yi Tyeng’s room to watch ‘Gong’ with Yijia again. As usual, she was really scared when we were on our back to our houses. She made me feel the same way too. Haha!!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Here's the entry which he posted in his new blog...
This post is dedicated to my dear friend, Wong Ling Weng, who's flying to Aus today! Perth is the exact location. Same like me, she got JPA scholarship but she's luckier to be landed with Pharm in Aus!
I've known her for bout *really counting... 6,7,8...* 8 years ady! It's been so long, time flies damn fast. Knew her since Form 1 in St Joe. We spent 5 high school years together, attending tuitions, involved in PBSM activities, prefect jobs, etc. The list goes on and on. Been through ups and downs together. Shared secrets together. Knew her crushes and infatuations. Oh, those were the days.
Then we went separate ways after Form 5. I went to Sunway while she went to UCSI later than me. Gosh, unbelievably, we were reunited again after bout 6 months. ;) JPA sent us both to Shah Alam, though at different colleges. We smsed very often, and met each other from time to time. Whether at malls or even at ktm stations. Ah... reminiscence of these memories...
Now, again, we'll go separate ways. She'll go Aus and I'll go India. If fate would have it, hopefully we'll be able to meet again. In the meantime, there's the Internet to keep us connected. :) Hopefully, there's convenient Internet accessibility in Manipal.
K, that's all I think. Wishing you good luck and all the best in Aus and your future endeavours. Will surely miss you lots. Sigh, now i lose another friend to sms free (DiGi friends and family) :( Anyways, adios!
9th February 2007
I went to Curtin this morning to get my SmartRider card done with Yijia. Michelle and Jia huei followed us too. Michelle wanted to pay for her early accommodation while Jia Huei wanted to borrow some books from library to kill her time.
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SmartRider card (save our money when we board into a bus)
We went to find some books from the junior collection and I didn’t manage to find any. We then had our lunch outside the library. I shared fish and chips with Michelle while Yijia shared with Jia Huei.

Fish and Chips
When we got back to our houses, Yijia and I decided to go to Yi Tyeng’s room and watch drama. While we were watching, Jac asked if we want to go to Carousel. We hesitated initially but we later decided to go to Carousel again. We bought the stuff that we need such as vegetable, fruits, onions, knife, biscuits, etc. oh I bought another pillow. The first pillow that I bought was useless. The new one is fine. Much better than the old one which is like 3 days old. Haha!!
Oh we missed the last bus back to our hostel. So, we asked if there’s any way we could get back to hostel. Thanks to the bus driver’s help, we managed to get back despite the long distance. I was hugging my new pillow in the bus and I fell asleep. Haha! For me, a bus is like a rocking chair. I can just fall asleep in just a few minutes in a bus.
After dinner, I went to Yi Tyeng’s room with Yijia to continue watching a Korean drama called ‘Gong’. We both felt scared to walk back to our houses. When we were walking on the grass, a girl suddenly appeared. We were frightened and laughed at ourselves for scaring ourselves. The girl laughed too. I straight away went online once I got back to my room. I chatted with my old friends and slept late.
8th February 2007
Carousel is our shopping destination of the day. We went there and found out that it’s bigger than Karawara. There are more shops over there. There’s a food court which sells a great variety of food. We went to a counter which sells mobile phones and also prepaid cards. That fellow explained to us everything we need to know. He suggested us to use Three as it’s cheaper than Optus. I was thinking of signing up for postpaid as I can get a new mobile phone but it’s limited. I mean the type of mobile phones offered. Still don’t know which one to choose so I’m currently using Optus Prepaid for about a month or two.
Connect to Optus Pre-paid!!!
We bought a lot of stuff. I felt like a new housewife buying all the stuff needed in a new home. Haha!! Felt like I’m an auntie already!! I’ve never bought so many stuff in one go. This was really my first time. Usually, I’ll go out with my mom and sis. So, I won’t be carrying so much stuff. However, I’m always the one carrying a lot of stuff when I go out with my family.
Michelle and I cooked dinner tonight. It was ok. We’ll be cooking from today onwards in order to save money. Food is expensive in Australia. I couldn’t afford to eat outside everyday. Have to learn how to save money. If not, I’ll starve to death…
7th February 2007
I woke up at about 9am this morning and headed to Jia Huei’s house after my breakfast with Michelle. We enrolled ourselves today and opened a new bank account. I took my number at about 1030am but I knew that it was going to take a long time until it’s my turn so I went to have my lunch with Siaw Tze, Hsiu Li, Yijia, Yi Tyeng and Yee Fang. Hsiu Li, Yi Tyeng, Yijia and I shared our lunch. Our lunch was salad and potato wedges. Oh my! The potato wedges were super duper big in size and a lot in amount. Each of us spent about $3 for that lunch.
After that, we went back to the bank and it was still Jac’s turn. I only got my chance to open the account at about 230pm. Ultimately, I settled everything in the bank with Yijia. We then proceeded to the Student Central to get out student ID done. It took about few minutes for my ID card to be done. Fast and effective. Cool! Love it!
Then, we went back to our hostel and rested as we were really tired. We had to find our way back under the blazing sun. Who says we don’t sweat in Australia?? Yes, I agree that the wind is cool but just now the wind was so ‘hot’. I really couldn’t stand the hot weather especially in the afternoon. It gets dark after 7 or 8pm and I’m still not used to it.
Our dinner was instant noodle which was in the Welcome Pack given to us on the very first day in hostel. My mom called me before I had my dinner. We talked for a while and I told about my meals. Haha! Jia Huei and the others came to my house to talk about what we should buy the next day. Siaw Tze and Yijia had their dinner in our house.
After that, I went with Michelle, Siaw Tze and Yee Fang for a walk around our hostel. It was quite cool outside with the wind was blowing. We checked out the bus stops and went back to my room after that as Siaw Tze wanted to check something. We then went to her room to talk since we were really bored. We really talked a lot until Michelle felt sleepy. So, I went back to our house with her. We have to do more shopping tomorrow. Gonna buy those necessities. Chao~
6th February 2007
We had to wake up at about 8 am as we were asked to be prepared at 9am at the lobby. Oh my luggage!!! Damn heavy!!! My hands, bones, whole body!!! They hurt!!!!
We went to Vickery House from the hotel. It was quite a distance. When we reached there, there was two RA helping us out with our luggages. We were required to attend a short orientation in the office before getting our keys. We watched a fire prevention video too. It’s a bit funny for me.
I got the same house with Michelle, Atikah and Laila. Jaclyn and Yi Tyeng stay in the same house again while Jia Huei, Yijia and Yee Fang got the same house. Siaw Tze was left alone in another house but she requested to switch to Jia Huei’s house. Luckily, there’s still space for her. Haha!! If not, she’ll be a lonely girl in the house.
We all then got into our respective rooms and listened to the briefing given by our RA. Then, we went to shop in Karawara. We got lost at first and had to ask the people around us (which we hardly sees one) the way to Karawara. We asked a lady in the bus if the grey and red building is Karawara but she said no. When we asked the bus driver, he said that he had just passed it. It’s the grey and red building. Argh!!! But we managed to get to Karawara and did some shopping. We had our lunch at Nando’s and our dinner was pizza.
All those fattening food. Eeuuu~!!! Don’t be too shocked to see my fatter version of me. Hehe!!! That’s normal when you go to western countries.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
5th February 2007
My big day!! Woke up at 4am. I received a text message from Chau Wang at about 12am. I was kinda shocked to receive one message from Sze Ching at 4.07am. Initially, I thought that it was a delayed message. So, I replied both of their messages. Then I received another message from Sze Ching. I asked if he should be sleeping by then and he said that he sleeps at about 5 am everyday. Wow!! Guys’ life.
I checked out with my mom and we waited for Mr. Lee to send us to KLIA. I saw Jaclyn and Cheah Yen at the airport. Then I went to wrap my luggage. It was still early that time. We got the sticker from JPA officers to label our luggage. We need to fill in our name, address and telephone number. Then stick it to our luggage and they are really to be checked in.
JPA officer talked to us for a while and asked us to have our breakfast. He said that we would have to meet at Maybank at 745am if I had not mistaken. So, I went to KFC with my mom and Siaw Tze. Michelle joined us few minutes later. Siaw TZe was like asking my mom something about whether my mom is sad or not. So, my mom started to talk and talk and talk and this made me think about a lot of things. Tears started to accumulate in my eyes. Thanks to Siaw Tze. If nobody mention anything about leaving away from family, I wont drop a tear at all because I'm used to being away from home for about 6 months and I have friends going to study with me. Then, Siaw Tze received a call from someone who called her "jie" and she didn't know who's that at first. She's really at that moment. Finally, she found out it's Jessica. I talked to her for a few minutes too. Then, it was Michelle's turn. Haha!! Taking turns.
When it was about time, we went to the Maybank ATM machine. JPA officer gave us a briefing and gave us a few minutes to say goodbye to our family members. My mom was really sad when I gave my boarding pass to the officer for checking. I could see her tears accumulating in her eyes. I told myself to stay brave and not to cry. I did it. I said goodbye to my mom and left. After that, we used the aerotrain to get to the departure hall to go to Perth.
It was quite fun in the plane as we had TV to watch. I watched 2 movies. Lovewrecked and Just Married. I also listened to songs. Rain’s, Jiang Mei Qi’s, David Tao’s, and other Cantonese singers. Lastly, I watched Jacky Go Go Go for about few minutes. The meal in the plane was fulfilling and yummy.
As we arrived at the airport, we had to declare our stuff but the guy just asked me a few questions and told me to go the lane which have scanner to scan my luggage. So, I didn’t have to open my luggage and show them what I’d got. However, the immigration part was really time-consuming. The queue was extremely long and my cabin luggage was very heavy with my laptop on my shoulders.I think i almost broke my bones!!!
We then went to Goodearth Hotel and I shared a room with Hsiu Li, Michelle and Yee Fang. Next, we had our dinner in a cafe nearby Ole Ole. They sell Malaysian food there. Puan Haslina paid for our dinner that night. Thanks to here. The meal was super expensive. Nasi ayam costs approximately $9. I even shared my drink with Siaw Tze and Michelle. It tasted a bit weird. Not so used to that kinda taste. We got back to the hotel and Puan Haslina gave us some briefing about what to do the next day. They said that the time in Perth is 1 hour earlier than Malaysia and the water from tap is drinkable. However, I’m not used to it yet and it tastes weird. As if there’s a lot of chlorine in it.
I didn't call my mom as I didn't know how to use an IDD call card. We asked the receptionist from Brunei. He's a Chinese. Quite funny. He told us that we'll need to insert a 50 cents coin and follow the instructions on the IDD card. Now, the problem was I didn't have any coins with me. My dad did say if I can't call once I arrive in Perth, I can call anytime convenient to me. Hehe!!
3rd February 2007
I went to KL with my mom using MAS since I can claim back the money. Hehe! It was the earliest flight of the day. We reach KLIA and called Mr. Lee to inform him that we had arrived. So, he sent us to Malaya Hotel but we couldn’t check in as the rooms were not prepared yet. That bellboy or should I say bellman (he looked like more than 40 years old) asked us to leave our luggage in the lobby and he’ll take care of it. I was quite worried as all my stuff was there plus my laptop. I was super worried about my laptop. However, I couldn’t just sit there and waste my time in KL. So, we went to walk around Petaling Street. My mom and I bought a pair of jeans and shoes respectively.
After he had checked in to our room, we went to Times Square for shopping!! And Sungei Wang too!! My favourite place!! However, I didn’t buy much stuff as I couldn’t afford to stuff them in my luggage anymore. I kept on reminding myself that my check-in luggage should not be more than 20kg. This really prevented me from buying stuff to Australia. On the other hand, my mom bought a lot of stuff. Clothes, sandals, watches etc. I actually planned to pay for the watches. It as like couple watches for my dad and mom but my mom asked me to keep the money since I’ll be needing money when I come back to Malaysia in the future.
I was quite tired during the shopping. I know that it’s weird to say this for me but I was really exhausted. Perhaps because I didn’t get the chance to buy stuff that I wanted to buy. G2 was packed with ladies. The scene was like everything in G2 was free. We really had hard time moving around G2.
Done with shopping. We went back to our hotel. I watched Superstar that night. I was laughing loudly as some contestants were really funny. Some were really good. I like their voices. Slept quite late that day. I don’t really remember what time I slept but I know that it’s quite late by the time.
4th February 2007
I woke up at 8 something in the morning and went for breakfast. I didn’t eat as much as last time. I still remember the last time I went for breakfast in Malaya Hotel. I tried every type of dishes that were placed in front of my eyes except for baked beans which I really dislike. I even took a few pieces of bread, spread with different type of jam (strawberry, orange and butter). The bread was delicious. Love it!! I had both tea and orange juice that time but not this time. I only took a glass of orange juice this time. I took only a piece of bread and nasi goreng with mee goreng and scrambled eggs.
My mom and I began our next shopping spot which was Mid Valley and KLCC. Same thing happened. Packed with lots of lots of people. As if those stuff were free. We had our dinner in Petaling Street as we went back to the hotel earlier. I watched Superstar again that day. Super funny. I wouldn’t have any chance to watch it anymore. Kinda sad because I can’t watch those dramas again in Australia.
I had to sleep early that night because I had to wake up at 4 am the next day. My flight was at 940am and JPA said that we need to be at the airport 4 hours before departure time. However, I slept at 11 something that night. When I was watching television in the hotel room, I suddenly received Wen Jun’s call. We talked for about 12 minutes. 12 minutes and 12 seconds to be exact. It’s like a farewell call. My mom was asleep by that time. Think she’s tired and need some rest.