Friday, September 26, 2008


Time for a break! Time for a Kit-Kat? No!!! It's time for shopping! Yes Yes! I'm going to spend my Saturday shopping shopping shopping as well as grocery >.<>Recently too stressed. Thanks to the on-going tests and assignments and something else! What a hectic life I have here! Have to think of this and that every single day! I still have 2 assignments to do during the break but I'll leave it aside first as it's time to relax! Don't mug for the time being! Shopping is my priority now! Oh, I'm gonna take pictures of my gifts tomorrow and post them in my blog. Posted some in my Facebook. My special 21st. How can I forget? =) Thanks again, people! **huggies**


*jeSSicA* said...

haha cant wait to see the gifts!!!

LiNg WeNg said...

i think u'll have to wait for another day... i'm tired today... after my shopping spree... lol~

t.v. said...

look like u had a great day;)

LiNg WeNg said...

YES YES!!!!! hahahaha....