happy 24th birthday!
I'm 21 and you're 24. Happy 24th birthday to my Big Bro! I smsed him and guess what was his reply. [his sms made me laugh in the lecture hall] He asked me to get him something from Perth, which I certainly will. He continued saying that he doesn't want keychain or magnet. LOL~ Think it's because I always buy those kinda typical stuff whenever I go to somewhere. He wants something which is food type and he suggested KANGAROO MEAT!!!! You expect me to bring kangaroo meat back to Miri? I have to stop at Brunei before going back to Miri. By the time I reach home, I seriously can't imagine how the meat will look or smell like. Bluek~ Since you want food, I shall find some food to feed you with. Nougat is a must. I'll find something nice and yummy from Perth. You can trust me on that! =P Once again, happy birthday and hope you have a great one! =) Hey, since your birthday is so special (10th October), plan something extraordinary on 10.10.10. Marriage on that day would be good. XD
p/s: by the way, I'm feeling extremely happy today. back to the old me? or perhaps a better me. XD
u guys have the same eyes;)
omg... that's so wrong ok! my bro's eyes are smaller than mine... =P he has to stretch to open his eyes BIG BIG....
haha i think u two have the same smile! =P
really??? first time seeing my bro's pic?? haha...
haha yeah first time =)
ah weng,got canned kangaroo meat or not?i heard got wow,wakaka,i want it too =)))
ei,dun hit me when u recif ur birthday gift yea,i hope it dun hilang lahhhh
ur lover,guess who?kakaka,i bet u know who is this lahhh
of coz i know who's my lover la... canned kangaroo meat is not as nice as the fresh one gua... if can i find one then i'll get one for you... BUT i cant guarantee the quality o.... don blame me o baby!!! XD i shall wait for ur belated bday gift!!! hehehe....
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