Wednesday, August 20, 2008

last moment of 20.08.2008

Ops! I really went ZzZzZz for a few seconds during VC's lecture. Sorry about that. *paiseh* I'm just a normal human being who need some rest once in a while. In addition, the lecture hall was kinda dark which made it a better place to doze off easily. Ok, I know. I'm blaming the lecture hall now but yea, that's the fact.

Got to know some shocking news today.
1. Armed robbery cases have been elevating around my area. This is scary. We were advised not to walk alone.
2. Jesu is leaving tomorrow.
3. Random cleaning inspection starting this week. Why? Because some units are just not cleaned enough and they even stated there we have to maintain the cleanliness of our unit at all time. This means that our unit must be clean 24/7. So, the cleaners are going to come to our unit one day unexpectedly for inspection. ARgh! I had to vacuum the lounge this week, So, I did and I realised something. Something disgusting but might be quite commonly found in girls' unit.

Can you see what's that? If not, too bad.

Overall, my 20082008 is just a normal day. Nothing special although it's a special day. Spent hours watching Neighbours, Friends, and So You Think You Can Dance. Time for some rest. May I have a sweet dream tonight. Bye, 20082008.

-The End-


t.v. said...

great day btw;)

LiNg WeNg said...

how great is it?

t.v. said...

watched sytycd;p

LiNg WeNg said...

same then.. =)

Jooh said...

vacuum which full of dust???

*jeSSicA* said...

i know wat's that... =P

btw, this time i drop by to tell u that u are tagged!! wahaha (if u need translation juz tell me ya) hehe

LiNg WeNg said...

not just dust... something else... lol...

why people love to tag me so much? u know i'm having my tuition free week is it? but i have assignments to tests after the break... so might not be able to finish the tag thingy that soon... =P