Saturday, May 10, 2008


What should I say now? Just appreciate the things around you when they are still there. You'll be terribly sad when you lose them one day. Like how I'm feeling now. I went back to Belmont [auntie's favourite place], hoping that the pair of boots is still there. The first time I saw the boots was like 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks can really make a BIG difference.

Those sizes that I saw today were size 8 - 10. I want size 6!!! I tried size 6 before and it fits me. Sob sob. I should have bought it last 3 weeks. I didn't buy at that time as I thought that it would be hard to match my clothes. However, when I saw the boots again just now, I thought, "Hmm.. it should be ok with my jeans." So, I tried to find size 6 but in vain.

I told myself that I've actually saved the money for other stuff. Hmm... Just trying to make myself feel better. Yi Tyeng also told me to get over it. It's just a pair of boots. I think I'll forget about the boots thingy after few weeks more perhaps? Whatever!!! I shall say goodbye to the pair of boots. I won't die without the boots. Life goes on, right? =)

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